We're all Depressed – So what do we do about it?

Originality always matters when it comes to getting Media Attention! I bet a therapist could get a ton of TV publicity using this hot topic that we discussed on my radio show last week.

STUDY: 'FRIENDSHIP BENCH' CHATS EASE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION: A heart-to-heart chat can be just what the doctor ordered. A new study published in the journal JAMA reveals a simple way to ease the symptoms of depression.

The study took place in Zimbabwe, where trained lay medical workers known as "grandmothers" listened and offered support to low-income sufferers during weekly talks on the wooden benches that dot the grounds of clinics around Harare and other major cities.

Researchers say participants showed significant improvement after six "problem-solving therapy" sessions. They were three times less likely to show depression symptoms, and four to five times less likely to experience anxiety and suicidal thoughts. (Fox)

So what does this all mean? If you are a therapist who understand this, why not reach out to your local media to become the expert who can discuss. YES, it's perfectly OK for you to discuss why this works…even if you didn't write the article.

I hear there was a boy selling advice at Grand Central station or something like that…and was making money offering advice! That's brilliant PR!