The Secret is in the Follow Up

Do not rely on email as your only tool for contacting the media.
It is getting tougher and tougher to send email because of all the spam filters, so you really never know if it is actually making it through to your intended destination.

Lynn missed her radio debut because she didn't follow up with a phone call.

I mentioned Lynn before. She was the lady who tried to book herself for an interview, and did everything wrong…luckily I saw through it all and knew her story was a great one that needs to be shared.

When I finally called to ask when we were doing the interview she said her book signing had come and gone and she thought I wasn't interested anymore.

I was taken back because I told her I wanted her on my radio show. So I asked why she thought that. She replied, "I sent you an email and you never emailed me back."

I never got the email. Spam filter.

So please follow up. Send an email. Then follow up the next day with a phone call. Then follow that up with another email. Then follow up with another phone call. and then (well you get the idea, right?)

This is a secret to booking yourself in the media. Don't miss an opportunity because of a spam filter and never assume, because you don't hear back, that the producer isn't interested.

Wayne Kelly
The Radio Guy