Why Pay for a Media Contact List?

I have people who always ask me which list they should buy for media contacts.

My answer is—Don’t waste your money! The power of your PR campaign is not in any list that you buy…it’s in the content and delivery style of your interview. So what if you have an email for Seacrest or Larry King…It makes no difference at all. The only people who really care about a list are newbies. (These are people who are brand new to the PR game and want to try and get to as many shows as possible.)

The secret to a great PR game is…building up your brand and then getting the media calling you! That’s it! All the biggest shows on the planet will not book you just because you contacted them from some list. In fact, all of us media types use something that’s far more powerful than lists…and guess what it costs us? $0.00 Yup! Not one cent!!

It’s called Google. All you have to do is Google talk radio producers, or radio in Orlando, or Washington radio shows. The lists will come pouring in.

PLUS, most lists are out of date before you ever get them. People in radio are constantly on the move…so forget about the list.

So you want to contact a radio station. What format are you going after? Do you know what the demographics of that station are? See, this is way more important than a list.

Is google too much work…then how about going to www.radiostationworld.com or www.radio-locator.com. Us “media types” use both those resources. Now pull out a check and send $10 to Wayne Kelly 568-4155 Deep Lake Boundary Rd. Colville WA, 99114. Why send me money? Because I just saved you thousands of dollars.

If you must buy a list, there is only 1 that I do recommend. And I know it is updated regularly. That would be http://www.sabahradioshows.com/ of 1001 radio contacts. It’s a very reasonable price at $150. If you decide to buy it instead of sending me my $10…make sure you tell him Wayne Kelly sent you.

Oh, before I go, if you want to understand demographics, what shows and producers really want in an interview, how to drive people to your website after the interview, and all the insider secrets to radio publicity, go to www.onairpublicity.com/buyebook.html

Wayne Kelly
The Radio Guy