14 year old asks "Who Cares"

My daughter looked at the newspaper on the counter and made an off-handed comment saying “how lame”. She got my attention and I had to ask what she was talking about. She pointed out the cover story in the newspaper was about the 60th wedding anniversary of some local couple. I said yes, it’s a nice story about the longevity of marriage…and she quickly asked me…who really cares? And I laughed out loud and said well probably the family but other than that I couldn’t really defend the papers obviously slow news day story. Why does this matter to you? Eventually local media will have absolutely nothing going on and will jump at your idea. If you have a story idea, or are releasing a new book or have business news, be in contact with your local media, you never know when they’ll jump at your story. But make sure you have a point to your pitch…always ask yourself “Who Cares” And if you want to pass the “who cares” test just ask a 14 year old…they’ll tell you.
