In the News this week. Randy Jackson is gaining back the weight he lost after Gastric Bypass Surgery.
What a great topic for radio and TV.
Can you help Randy?
Have you gone through this pain of surgery and then started gaining weight back again?
How many other people have gained weight after losing it?
(I sure have..and it sucks!)
This is a perfect example of how to build the perfect Publicity Campaign around a Celebrity you don't know.
1. Identify the Problem…Randy is hot and in the news…so that's easy.
2. Offer a Solution
3. Prove it works by offering to help a listener or if you're really lucky contact Randy!
4. Feel great about making a difference.
I've always said…interviews should not be about selling crap and building huge lists.
It should be about connecting with people who need you in their time of need.
If you can truly reach out and give…you'll recieve much more than you could have ever asked for.
OK, It's time for Group Hugs!
Wayne Kelly