The 5W's make for Horrible Radio


As a radio host, I am constantly getting email requests for interviews. Last week, something came across my desk this week that grabbed my eye…and I flagged it as bad and evil!

I’m talking about the sample questions that many people will send the interviewer to ensure everything goes well. Now in all honesty, I have NEVER followed any questions because I’ve always said, I’ve been blessed with an inquisitive mind that wants to know about each person I get the thrill of interviewing.
So what was it that grabbed my attention with a few of the requests from last week?

I noticed that many of the set-up interview questions all had to do with the guest and their credibility. There were questions like:

What’s your book about?
Where do I find your website?
What makes you qualified to talk about this subject matter?

And frankly, if an interview starts with these questions, most listeners will be flipping the station.


Because the listener wants to know what’s in it for them. They are the only person that matters during the interview.

In order to have a great interview that really grabs a hold of listeners, start your interview connecting and identifying with the listener.

Show them you understand their problem. Then let’s move into a few things that they can do now at this very moment that can help them through this situation.

Then we move into why you do the work you do
Then finally where can people get more information.

Do you see how this can drive traffic to your website or to the bookstore to buy what you’re selling?
So before you think the 5 W’s are what make a great interview – ask yourself, what’s in it for the listeners.