We're all Depressed – So what do we do about it?
Originality always matters when it comes to getting Media Attention! I bet a therapist could get a ton of TV publicity using this hot topic that we discussed on my radio show last week. STUDY: 'FRIENDSHIP BENCH' CHATS EASE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION: A heart-to-heart chat can be just what the doctor ordered. A new study…
Does work own you 24/7?
This is an amazing topic for the right expert. Workers in France have won the right to not have to keep up with business in their off-hours, with a new labor law going into effect on New Year's Day that gives employees the "right to disconnect" from work-related email, smartphones and other electronic communication once…
Facebook is Stealing our Joy and Happiness!
IF you are looking for a great media topic – you should always attach yourself to something everyone understands. There is no-one on the the planet that hasn't heard of Facebook – and people are very vocal about loving it or hating it. I found this study today and we discussed it on my radio…
How To Remember Names – Radio Interview
Bruce Lee is alive and well living and coaching in Calgary Alberta. Bruce is a business coach who understands that what we need to succeed in business can also very easily be used in day-to-day life. One of the easiest things you can do to be successful is remember peoples names. Bruce was recently a…
HELP – December SUCKS for Radio Hosts
Welcome to December – the absolute worst month for us radio hosts! First off, we get locked in our studios and have to play the same Christmas songs over and over and over…it's enough to make you go crazy! By Dec 24th – we don't want to hear another word about Christmas! LOL But what's…