How Tracey uses Media to Brand her Speaking Business
Dr. Tracey Wilen was a guest on my morning radio show. She did a great interview about the Gen Z women and how they will look at jobs and employment different than the rest of us. She speaks all over the world as a Career Expert and when you see her website, you'll be extremely…
How to know if your topic is media worthy
The biggest problem I see when people often pitch being a guest on my radio show is they want to discuss a topic that isn't an issue our listeners are dealing with at the moment. If you are a therapist, psychologist, naturapath, relationship coach, or____________ , look to your clients to see what a hot…
How to really impress the Media
Last week on my radio show I interviewed business leader Dr. Tracey Wilen about the Next Generation of women – The Z Generation. Being that I never interviewed Tracey before I went to her website to learn more about her…and when I landed on her homepage I was blown away. Her media clips were amazing…and…
Converting Listeners into Prospects
I was talking to a friend of mine who had just finished a 30-minute interview on a radio show in Portland and when I asked how it went she replied, "Great but no-one signed up for anything on my site." So I asked her what special free gift she had offered the listeners. Silence… Then…
Hot Interview Ideas for April
Welcome to April, which means more Publicity opportunities for you on Radio, TV, and Newspapers! There are a million things happening each month but I picked the most sure fire ideas that could work to get you media attention. April is: Lawn and Garden Month – Perfect for lawn care and gardening companies. What do…