This is how you do a relatable interview!!!
For the most part I avoid doing weightloss interviews. BUT this request grabbed my attention. Ralph Peterson was 350lbs and tried every diet in the world. Then something changed and he lost 150lbs and has run 45 marathons. I called Ralph for our interview about his new book 'Adventures in Dietland' and was blown away!…
Hot Media Topics for June
Welcome to June 2018 which means tons of great ideas for you to get Media interviews with! Here’s what I found for you and a suggestion of who would be a great fit to discuss. June Monthly Holidays Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month – What’s the difference between normal aging and forgetting things VS Alzheimer’s?…
100 Media Interviews Booked!
100 Interviews booked! Can you imagine, you launch your new book and then you start pitching media and suddenly you have 100 interviews booked? Is this even possible? YES!!! Relationships are an easy sell for a radio show but only if you hook media with a topic that listeners NEED to hear. Jackie Lapin is…
Public Radio is Rocketing in the Ratings –
I read this article in TheMorningMouth.com from MARCH 29TH, 2018 and wanted to say, if you aren't pitching your media releases and topics to public radio like NPR – you may be missing a ton of opportunity! Here's what they wrote: –– NPR and its Member stations have upheld their highest broadcast ratings of all…
Financial Coach Media Interview
I found this story yesterday in Glamour magazine! What a great topic for any financial coaches! YEAH, YOU NEED A 'F***-OFF FUND' – (04/24/2018) Money can really define a person's life. A poll from Glamour revealed 71 percent said they've stayed in a job because they couldn't afford to leave, and 31 percent say they've…