Package Your Media Pitch
Radio and TV are about educating and entertaining. If you show a producer that you can do either, you have a better chance of getting a ton of Publicity for free. The number one mistake authors make when pitching to a radio or TV station for an interview is: they ask to be on the…
Media Training will get results
One of the biggest problems I see as a producer is people who think that a radio interview is all about them. It's not! In fact, an interview has nothing to do with you. It's all about me, the host and my listeners! SO why would you want to be on the radio? Because if…
Hot Media Release of the Week
Every week I share the hottest media release that crosses my producer desk. What I liked about this media release is Corey talks about phones ringing. Why is this a good thing? Because in radio we want to have listener interaction. Here's what crossed my desk! Good job Corey! ******************************************** Corey Donaldson will have your…
Where to Find FREE Media Contacts
Do you really want to be on the radio? I found another resource that you will love today. This is the complete list of radio stations owned by CBS in America. Now you can search for shows either by format or by market. If you have News topics…then obviously News Talk are perfect. If…
Death – What do I say?
Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than walking up to someone in mourning…I never know what to say. So this media release really grabbed my eye. I interviewed Deb today and was blown away…I learned a lot… But it all started with this media release… Thanks for doing this right Deb! Wayne Kelly SIMPLE TIPS AND…