Hot Topic: Idiot Mother of the Year!
This topic had my listeners calling in hopping mad! They want the mother charged! Why? Here's the story: Kelowna, BC RCMP are shaking their heads after a mother let her five children shoot pellet guns from their moving vehicle. The mother admits she was aware of what they were doing, but thought they were just…
Wayne & Jayne Show – Nasty Reaction
This morning on the show we were reading our entertainment news…when we had a horrible reaction to a story…OH my…it was NASTY!!! ***BEWARE IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH….You've been warned!*** OK Tell me you didn't laugh! Wayne
Tweet Talk Tuesday
I'm really getting a love on for Twitter. Now don't get me wrong, it hasn't been an easy relationship…in fact I've deleted my account once before thinking it was a complete waste of time…but Thankfully I had a revelation…and returned. Turned out I haven't been following the right people. So welcome to Wayne and Jayne's…
Nutritionist Talks Chips on Radio
Getting radio interviews is easy once you pick a topic that listeners want to hear. Gloria is one of my favorite nutrition guests. In fact she has a monthly spot on the Wayne and Jayne show. ***Listen to our interview below**** I want to share the email she sent to get booked again. Read it…