INTERVIEW Topics for March
Welcome to March – another month for you to get interviews and showcase yourself as the expert in your field using these HOT TOPICS. There are a ton of topics BUT I am only focusing on these topics that could easily be covered by Radio, TV, & Newspapers. All you need to do is pitch…
Flu season is great for Radio
I saw this in the news today: FLU SEASON IN FULL SWING: If you and yours are feeling under the weather, you’re not alone. The flu season is in full swing and continues to spread in 40 U.S. states and Puerto Rico. This is a great topic for any expert who can help find relief…
February – HOT Topics – Radio Guests Needed
I believe the easiest way to get publicity on any tv or radio show is by using the HOT topics of the month! Here’s my HOT LIST of Interviews Media will be looking to book this month! The hottest topic of the week is SUPERBOWL! How can you attach yourself to this monster event? My…
I was TERRIFIED of Radio!
Would you believe that once upon a time I was terrified of radio? Which is really weird because I’ve been a fan of radio for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, I absolutely LOVED listening to 630 CHED in Edmonton, Alberta. I would laugh every morning to Bruce Bowie and the Morning…
The #1 place to Market if you are a Local Author
Your local radio station! (and Newspaper) I'm baffled that people don't know they can pick up the phone and being local I will almost always put them on to help them out and it won't cost them a dime! This week I reached out to the CEO of a local printing company and asked if…