Nutrition interview ideas for Radio and TV shows
If you are a nutritionist or registered dietician here are some ideas for booking interviews this March. March is National Caffeine Awareness Month. IDEA: I would pitch this by asking if the morning show drinks coffee. Which morning show member is safe, and who could be at risk for too much caffeine. See how you…
Motivational Speakers needed as Radio Guests
If you are a motivational speaker or author, There are 3 big things happening this month that could get you a ton of free publicity on radio or TV shows. March is: International Expect Success Month International Listening Awareness Month Optimism Month – today on my radio show I talked about new research that says…
Clutter makes you Fat
Well FAT might be a little harsh….BUT a new study says THE CLUTTER IN YOUR KITCHEN MAY CAUSE YOU TO OVEREAT: Having a messy kitchen might actually cause your waistline to expand. Researchers recruited 100 women and then led them into a neat or messy kitchen where they were instructed to either write about a…
INTERVIEW "Skied" Dating
Media LOVES talking about new things! We are all familiar with speed dating. It's not an interview or an event that I would typically promote on my radio show…but when you can change it into something original – That's when us media types take notice. This week the organizer of a Skied dating event called…
National Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Today is the day to STOP crying over spilled milk. What a great day for therapists, psychologists or coaches to get a ton of free interviews! SO many people have a ton of baggage that they carry on a daily basis. Sadly much of this baggage happened in the past and absolutely nothing can be…