Podcast #174
In this episode: 1. Whitney Houston's tragic death – how do we make sense of it all? 2. Hot Topics to get booked with 3. The Shout-out – Marian took action and got booked!
The Secret to Inner Peace
Saw a DR on TV…he shared the secret to finding inner peace. I thought…oh, why don't I give his advice a try and see what happens. Imagine my surprise when it worked!!! I shared it with my listeners this morning – I hope it helps you too!
HOT Media Topic: Having the "SEX" talk with seniors!
I can almost guarantee that this topic will get mega media coverage for relationship experts, and health professionals! Statistics compiled in Britain and the United States show that sexually transmitted diseases among older adults have been rising at an alarming rate. A study by researchers at Kings College and Saint Thomas's Hospital in London finds…
Welcome back Ferris Bueller
Oh how we've missed him! Matthew Broderick has resurrected one of his classic characters, Ferris Bueller, for the Super Bowl. 26 years after the hit movie debuted, Broderick revisited the premise in a new Honda commercial that will air on Sunday (February 5th).
Podcast Episode #173
In this episode we discuss: 1. Radio hot topics to get you publicity in February, 2. The Power in the Title of your Topic. 3. The On-Air Publicity shout-out!