Will Your Book Stand Out in a Bookstore?
I am amazed by the number of books in a bookstore. If you just put it on the shelf and wait for people to stumble in to buy it…you might not do so well. Here I am at Barnes & Noble Spokane WA.
Motivational Monday – Robin Sharma
I started Motivational Mondays in January of 2004 and have spoke with some of the most amazing people on the planet. Every Monday here on OAP, I will feature a different Motivational Interview. Our first feature is with Robin Sharma His book 'the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' is a must read. I LOVED this…
Why Short URL Webnames are best for Publicity
We we're driving along listening to an interview and I thought they did a great job of selling the book without sounding like an infomercial. But when they told my the web address to get more information…they lost me. Here's why:
Publicity tips from the Mall – This is Critical
Can you explain your book in 30 seconds or less and have me hooked? If you want to get on my radio show…you better! Here's why:
Radio Publicity Means Meet Your People
Walk through any mall and those are your customers. What do they want to hear about right now? Figure it out and they'll buy your product!