How to really impress the Media

Last week on my radio show I interviewed business leader Dr. Tracey Wilen about the Next Generation of women – The Z Generation.

Being that I never interviewed Tracey before I went to her website to learn more about her…and when I landed on her homepage I was blown away.

Her media clips were amazing…and instantly I knew she'd be a great interview! She has been on so many of the top shows including CNN, BNN, Forbes, CBS, the list goes on and on.

Now here's what Tracey did that really impressed me.
She followed my personal twitter and linked in, she followed the radio station twitter, and she took the time to learn a bit about our show.

That is the sign of a pro!

Use social media to learn more about the show and the hosts. It really makes you stand out as being a great guest…especially when you tweet or help promote that you'll be on the show at a certain time with a link so your followers can listen live.

It doesn't take much time to be an exception guest. It's these little things that make a huge difference and now I see why Tracey is a resource for so many media sources! You can check her out at
