Life is great radio!

This week we had a heck of a topic because my ever sweet and kind co-host was pissed off at the federal government! After going through all the hoops to get a passport, hers was rejected because her forehead was too shiny!

If I was to think of all the reasons to reject a passport…in a million years I never would have guessed…shiny forehead.

This would have been the perfect opportunity for a photographer, a make-up artist, a passport specialist…or anyone with a heartbeat to grab some free air time by calling into the show and teaching us how to get rid of a shiny forhead…or how to take a great picture or…(Insert your own remedy here)

When you hear a completely ridiculous topic like this on the air and you can help…feel free to call and offer your suggestions and words of wisdom.

We’ll thank you for it!
Wayne Kelly