Motivational Monday with Wayne Kelly

I have a different Motivational Monday today…it features Me. I was interviewed by Bob Sommers for his recognized expert radio show. As a radio host myself I am picky about my interviews…but this is one I was very impressed with. Bob asked all the right questions and made me share a ton of publicity secrets.

Here's what Bob wrote on his blog:
Today, I'm going to show you how to become a media rock star. I'm going to do it with the help of my friend Wayne Kelly, radio host, media coach and founder of On-Air Publicity.

I know you've heard people in your industry being interviewed on the radio or you've seen them on television and said to yourself, "I can do that." And you know in your heart that you would have been a better guest. Well today, Wayne and I are going to show you how you can be that "better guest."

If you're an author, entrepreneur, coach or business owner you already know the value of being in the media. This is how you get there.