New Trend: 'Dadchelor' Parties for Expectant Fathers

This would a be a great topic! You'd get people talking around the water cooler!

Women have long held baby showers for expectant mothers, and now there's a new trend of holding parties for soon-to-be dads — but they are a far cry from the party games and opening of Diaper Genie and onesies presents that goes on at baby showers. The expectant dad parties are bachelor party-like bashes with plenty of drinking and sometimes a trip away with the guys that have been dubbed "dadchelor" parties, "daddymoons" and "man-showers."

What's behind the trend?

Carley Roney, the editor of site for pregnant women and new mothers, believes it's the increasing role men have taken in child-rearing. She told Yahoo! News, "In the '50s, it all fell on the girls. Now, it's a shared responsibility. Guys are just as overwhelmed by the thought of how much their lives are going to change. This is the antidote to that, the hedge against it."