Did you watch the Apprentice last night where the teams had to do presentations for Mr. Trump? Did you notice what the winning team did that the others didn’t do?
They practiced. They were in the zone. They ran through the presentation again and again. Don’t worry about sounding like a fool walking around your office, talking to yourself. Practice, practice, and practice some more.
If you want to be a great On-Air Guest…you need to practice your delivery.
I recommend a cheap tape recorder. I listen to everything. I just came back from a speaking gig and I had to force myself to sit down and watch the video. The thought of critiquing myself was much worse than the actual viewing. I found some jokes worked really well and others will be dropped from my next gig.
You won’t believe the people who never practice or listen to themselves….and it shows! They’ll never be asked back on the radio again!
Wayne Kelly
The Radio Guy!