Promote Your Media Appearance on Social Media

Last week after I sent you a note about the power of a Thank You Note in my newsletter I received another great strategy.

Phyllis Twombly, a science fiction client of mine who sent me a note about the power of social media to promote your interview. 

She reminded me that promoting your appearance on a radio show via social media also makes media very happy….and she is right!

I have had guests who were going to be on my show, promote it before hand on social media and tell people to tune in to their radio interview.  Then after the interview was done they promoted the interview again, thanking the host and radio station for the interview and even sharing a replay link.

This is such a great thing to do because the media will see that you know how to promote them and yourself…and that’s a win-win!

Considering some people never make contact after an interview – you can see who the easy choice would be to have as a recurring featured guest!

PLUS, it gives you more credibility with people following you on social media, showing you are such an expert in your field that you were called to do an interview.

Thanks so much Phyllis for the reminder of the power of social media and your interview.