Resource VS Guest on radio shows

Yesterday I was thinking about how I can be exceptional in the PR coaching department when it comes to my clients. What makes me unique?

I realized I live radio every morning as I play songs, interact with callers, and interview amazing guests that in turn generate more calls and so on….

My dream guests usually turn into resources for me.
What's the difference between a guest and a resource?

Dr. Phil was a resource to The Oprah Show.
James Frey – Author of "A Million little Pieces" was a guest.

Get it?

Because Phil was a resource to Oprah, he was asked back many times to help couples and families. I don't have to tell you how the story ends but he's built a brand that now includes books, seminars, and his own TV show…not to mention huge ratings when he stops by other shows like David letterman.

James Frey came and went. If it wasn't for the recent fiasco about stretching the truth he probably never would have been a guest on Oprah's show again.
Can you be a resource?
You bet?
The Gabby Cabby in New York is on my show weekly
Jojami Tyler is on regularly as my image consultant
Kelly Nault is now my parenting expert
The Singing Psychic is on quarterly with predictions
and that's just my little show.

Rock the radio and drop me a line if you’re already a hot radio guest cause I want to talk to you.
Wayne Kelly