Washington DC – Dishonest???? No….

I thought this was a great topic for radio. Not sure how you could use it to your advantage…but here's the scoop.

Coca-Cola's Honest Tea tested whether Americans would pay for the drink at self-service kiosks. One location ranked far below the others.

When Coca-Cola's Honest Tea tested whether Americans would voluntarily pay up for the drink at unmanned kiosks, one place fell far below the national average for honesty.

That turns out to be the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., where only 80% of people honored the test's system of putting a dollar in a box to pay for a bottle of the iced tea. In fact, the town was so dishonest that the CEO's bike was stolen during the test.

Overall, Americans are 92% honest, but some states and cities are more so than others. The most honest locations are Hawaii and Alabama, where 100% of participants paid for their beverages, This was the first year that all 50 states were part of the plan. The kiosks, set up with cold beverages, included a notice asking people to pay $1 for a beverage. Consumers could either pay or steal without consequences.

Source: MSN money