Shared my views and was Unfriended

As a radio host, before I say something on the air, I do have to think…who will this offend…and what will the lasting effects of it be. This has kept me safe with a few exceptions.

BUT these days, everyone has to be thinking about the messages they send…especially on social media.

It's so easy to post a comment that you may feel funny, but it is truly offensive to others.

Last week a guy I follow wrote something horrible about KONY 2012 and wow did he ever get attacked on his facebook. Thankfully he deleted the post but the damage was done.

Does this really matter? Of course it does. People don't separate you from your business anymore. They are one and the same. So always ask who you could be offending before posting.

I found this poll from CNN today that I found interesting:

Stay away from politics at the dinner table and on Facebook; that may be the takeaway from a new survey that shows 18 percent of social networking site users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone because they don't like their politics or how many posts they do about politics. Among users whose friends post political content, "25 percent always agree or mostly agree" with those postings; 73 percent "only sometimes" agree or "never agree,"

Poll From How do you respond to friends' political posts you don't agree with on Facebook?
• 4 %-I hide the friend.
• 4 %-I unfriend them.
• 9 %-I respond & argue with them.
• 83 % -I ignore them.